Here are our rules of engagement for interaction with MPS on social media:
We encourage participation through our social media and ask that all participants exercise civility and goodwill in their interactions.
- Please make sure that comments are in relation to the post being commented on;
- off-topic comments may be removed.
- Any content that is intentionally rude or derides the opinions of others will be removed.
- Content containing profanity, obscenity, vulgarity, threats, discriminatory material, accusations or accusatory language or name-calling toward an individual will be removed.
- Any content that is likely to disrupt the learning environment may be removed.
- All content should respect copyright/fair-use laws.
- Spam/unsolicited advertisements, political lobbying, or content that violates or promotes the violation of school rules are strictly prohibited.
- Violations of these rules may result in content being deleted, banishment, termination from the network, etc.
- Lastly, please remember that content posted on social media is public and can/may be used by anyone.
Thank you in advance for adhering to the above.
We reserve the right to delete/remove any content that fails to comply with these Rules of Engagement.